Path of Titans Adding Mods to your Path of Titans Server:
Here's a simplified guide to editing server files and enabling mods in "Path of Titans":
The server must be stopped while editing server files. You must save your edits and restart your server for any edits to take effect.
It would help if you listed every mod you plan to use in the GameUserSettings.ini
Under the [PathOfTitans.Mods]
header, add the lines:
represents the Mod ID you wish to enable on your server. This unique MOD ID will prompt the mod to be downloaded and enabled upon server restart. You can add more lines to enable multiple mods simultaneously.
Example of this:
Changing Default Server Map (If Using a Mod Map):
If you're using a modded map, specify its name in your Game.ini
Under the [/Script/PathOfTitans.IGameSession]
header, add the line ServerMap=NewEra
- where NewEra is the map name of the mod you want to use. Ensure the name matches exactly what's specified in the mod files. Generally, this will be the mod's name, but confirm with the mod author if unsure.
Certain mods may disrupt the functioning of the custom map. Include only the custom map mod ID in the GameUserSettings.ini config, and specify the exact file name of the custom map for the server map config variable in the Game.ini file. Test it in-game to make sure it works. Then, add each mod individually, testing each time to ensure the custom map still loads.
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Acrocanthosaurus | UGC_M_NV57RV2EJD_SK | AbsentiaAcro |
Ancient Gods:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Camarasaurus | UGC_M_DYV7XQ60GX_SK | Camarasaurus |
Ancient Monster:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Cerataspida | UGC_M_Y257G65EVZ_SK | AMCerataspida |
Ceratosaurus | UGC_M_DYV7XN60GX_SK | DJCCeratosaurus |
Dankanaptera | UGC_M_634752J78W_SK | AMDankanaptera |
Dryptosaurus | UGC_M_YNR7341E81_SK | DJCDryptosaurus |
Gigamandra | UGC_M_W61E8X47MD_SK | Gigamandra |
Golugore | UGC_M_VJK7M6KER3_SK | Golugore |
Madrehorn | UGC_M_QM57NKD7D3_SK | AMMadrehorn |
Moraquile | UGC_M_NZKEJJRE12_SK | AMMoraquile |
Thalasrex | UGC_M_VJK0M13ER3_SK | AMThalasrex |
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Livyatan | UGC_M_YNRE311081_SK | ArazoaLivy |
Prognathodon | UGC_M_Z857QV302V_SK | ArazoaProg |
Tropeognathus | UGC_M_4RMEKQWEZY_SK | ArazoaTropeo |
Xiphactinus | UGC_M_6YJ72ZYE58_SK | ArazoaXiph |
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Dunkleosteus | UGC_M_4RMEK5W7ZY_SK | Dunkleosteus |
Gigantoraptor | UGC_M_K5GEZ9YEPN_SK | Gigantoraptor |
Hibber | UGC_M_6YJ7243058_SK | Hibber |
Ocepechelon | UGC_M_4RM0K8QEZY_SK | Ocepech |
Squalicorax | UGC_M_6YJ72NJE58_SK | Squalicorax |
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Asylum Feline | UGC_M_YZK04ZKE9W_SK | AsylumCougar |
Candeleros Expansion
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Ekrixinatosaurus | UGC_M_6YJE2GYE58_SK | CEMEkrixinatosaurus |
Cenozoic Timelines:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Andrewsarchus | UGC_M_Y25EGKQ0VZ_SK | CTAndrewsarchus |
Ankylorhiza | UGC_M_YZK74RK79W_SK | CTAnkylorhiza |
Clayton's Mods:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
C-Rex | UGC_M_VJKEMQ30R3_SK | CTrex |
Cubensis | UGC_M_43GE6Z1ENR_SK | CCubensis |
David Rosa's:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Kaprosuchus | UGC_M_N597DMN7WQ_SK | DRKaprosuchus |
Pachyrhinosaurus | UGC_M_43G7646ENR_SK | DavidRosaPachyrhino |
Divine Beasts:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Acrocanthosaurus | UGC_M_Z85EQ5372V_SK | DivineAcroRedux |
Ampelosaurus | UGC_M_K5GEZ410PN_SK | DivineAmp |
Carcharodontosaurus | UGC_M_5XN0V387PZ_SK | DivineCarchar |
Compsognathus | UGC_M_DYV0X257GX_SK | DivineCompy |
Deinosuchus | UGC_M_6GW0YZY73Z_SK | DivineDeino |
Dryosaurus | UGC_M_43GE6D67NR_SK | DivineDryo |
Edmontosaurus Annectens | UGC_M_Z850QPPE2V_SK | DivineAnnectens |
Edmontosaurus Regalis | UGC_M_N2R719403D_SK | DivineRegalis |
Giganotosaurus | UGC_M_N59ED1N7WQ_SK | DivineGiga |
Halszkaraptor | UGC_M_63475Y878W_SK | DivineHalsz |
Helicoprion | UGC_M_N59EDPZEWQ_SK | DivineHeli |
Inostrancevia | UGC_M_DYVEXK57GX_SK | DivineInos |
Japanese Giant Salamander | UGC_M_QM5ENMJ7D3_SK | TGBsalamander |
Kryptops | UGC_M_43GE6NQENR_SK | CretaceousKryptops |
Mosasaurus | UGC_M_NZK0JNR712_SK | DivineMosa |
Orcinus Orca | UGC_M_12G0W137WK_SK | DivineOrca |
Velocciraptor | UGC_M_43G069Q0NR_SK | Velocciraptor |
Zhuchengtyrannus | UGC_M_6GW0YYP03Z_SK | DivineZhuch |
Ex Argilla:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Magna Ant | UGC_M_YNR0331081_SK | EAAnt |
Australovenator | UGC_M_YZKE41GE9W_SK | ExAAustralo |
Dominus | UGC_M_43GE6R60NR_SK | EADominus |
Allosaurus | UGC_M_NV50R62EJD_SK | ExAAllo |
Beringia Mammuthus Columbi | UGC_M_RD17PN2EXG_SK | BeringiaMammothC |
Bistahieversor | UGC_M_K5G7Z2Y0PN_SK | ExABista |
Smilodon | UGC_M_JG1E9D97QN_SK | EASmilodon |
Dracoviper | UGC_M_W610844EMD_SK | EADracoviper |
Glowplume | UGC_M_YZK048G79W_SK | ExAGlowplume |
Griffin | UGC_M_12GEW9PEWK_SK | EAGriffin |
Nasutoceratops | UGC_M_6GWEYR373Z_SK | EANasuto |
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Armored Eotriceratops | UGC_M_NV5ER12EJD_SK | EoTLC |
Beaked Pachycephalosaurus Variant *not updated | UGC_M_JG1E9XX0QN_SK | Beaky |
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Dimetrodon | UGC_M_W6178YG7MD_SK | Dimetrodon |
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Archelon | UGC_M_634E5J8E8W_SK | ExArchelon |
Tenontosaurus | UGC_M_N590DRNEWQ_SK | GTenontosaurus |
Triceratops | UGC_M_YZK74JGE9W_SK | DTriceratops |
Isla Nycta:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Nyctatyrannus | UGC_M_K5G0Z310PN_SK | Nyctatyrannus |
Isle of Myths:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Spearcrest | UGC_M_N2R711873D_SK | SpearcrestNew |
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Aerosteon riocoloradensis | UGC_M_JG17949EQN_SK | JFD_Ariocoloradensis |
Torvosaurus tanneri | UGC_M_YNR73VY081_SK | JFDTtanneri |
Deltadromeus agilis | UGC_M_W6178R10MD_SK | JFDDagilis |
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Bwi *not updated | UGC_M_NZK0JMQ012_SK | Bwi |
Celenai | UGC_M_W61E8KG0MD_SK | Celenai |
Gonari *not updated | UGC_M_N2R01X403D_SK | Gonari |
Hannek *not updated | UGC_M_6GWEYKY03Z_SK | Hannek |
Hebu-Bebu *not updated | UGC_M_N597D5N7WQ_SK | Hebubebu |
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Bloop | UGC_M_VJKEM8KER3_SK | Bloop |
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Deinosuchus | UGC_M_43G76JQ0NR_SK | KTODeino |
Diplocaulus | UGC_M_JG1E96EQN5_SK | KTODiplocaulus |
Dryptosaurus | UGC_M_N2RE1Y403D_SK | KTODrypto |
Nanuqsaurus | UGC_M_QM5EN9DED3_SK | KTONanuq |
Pachyrhinosaurus | UGC_M_Y250GGQ0VZ_SK | KTOPachyrhino |
Yangchuanosaurus | UGC_M_K5G7ZX1EPN_SK | KTOYang |
Mesozoic Monsters:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Lisowicia | UGC_M_634751808W_SK | MMLisowicia |
P&D's Menagerie:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Pentaceratops | UGC_M_4RM7KJW0ZY_SK | PDPentaceratops |
Primordial Tyrants:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Apatosaurus | UGC_M_QM50NNJ0D3_SK | PTApatosaurus |
Argentinosaurus | UGC_M_Z857QJG02V_SK | PTArgent |
Carnotaurus | UGC_M_YZK04PD79W_SK | PTCarno |
Dilophosaurus | UGC_M_DYVEXZ57GX_SK | PTDilophosaurus |
Giganotosaurus | UGC_M_DYV7X6Y0GX_SK | PTGiga |
Kelenken | UGC_M_QM57N6J7D3_SK | PTKelenken |
Lurdusaurus | UGC_M_6GW7YP373Z_SK | PTLurdusaurus |
Maip | UGC_M_Z857Q4PE2V_SK | PTMaip |
Parasaurolophus | UGC_M_Z85EQRP02V_SK | PTParasaurolophus |
Psittacosaurus | UGC_M_DYVEXP60GX_SK | PTPsittacosaurus |
Quetzalcoatlus | UGC_M_5XNEV187PZ_SK | PTQuetzalcoatlus |
Sachicasaurus | UGC_M_RD10PP20XG_SK | PTSachicasaurus |
Therizinosaurus | UGC_M_Y250GPQ0VZ_SK | PTTherizinosaurus |
Torvosaurus | UGC_M_DYV0X96EGX_SK | PTTorvosaurus |
Tyrannosaurus | UGC_M_NV57RRW7JD_SK | PTTyrannosaurus |
Utahraptor | UGC_M_5XN7VXW0PZ_SK | PTUtahraptor |
Yunnanosaurus | UGC_M_Y25EGXK7VZ_SK | PTYunnano |
Yutyrannus | UGC_M_QM5ENGD7D3_SK | PTYutyrannus |
Noviana | UGC_M_Z857Q9P72V_SK | IgnisNoviana |
Ophis | UGC_M_6YJ026J758_SK | IgnisOphis |
The Crimson Isle:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Cryolophosaurus | UGC_M_N597D9ZEWQ_SK | CrimsonCryo |
Titanus Constructus:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Ampelosaurus | UGC_M_NZK0J4RE12_SK | Ampelosaurus |
Citipati | UGC_M_YNRE3PY781_SK | TCCitipati |
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Game.ini Name: |
Bonapartenykus | UGC_M_YZK74NG09W_SK | TSGBonapartenykus |
Mod Maps:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Discord Link | Map Details: |
Aedis *not updated | UGC_M_NZK0J6M712_SK | Link | Link |
ArazoaAquatica | UGC_M_Y250G15EVZ_SK | Link | Link |
AstraIsla | UGC_M_W61E8Z40MD_SK | Link | Link |
AsylumLounge | UGC_M_DYV7XD5EGX_SK | Link | Link |
Avernus | UGC_M_K5G0ZN10PN_SK | Link | Link |
Beringia | UGC_M_YNR03ZY081_SK | Link | Link |
Etis | UGC_M_N597DNPEWQ_SK | Link | Link |
HellsforgeCastle | UGC_M_K5G0ZRY7PN_SK | Link | Link |
Infinita *not updated | UGC_M_JG1E9WXEQN_SK | Link | Link |
Jangwa *not updated | UGC_M_5XN7VN2EPZ_SK | Link | Link |
Maplewood | UGC_M_JG179QX7QN_SK | Link | Link |
Najuro | UGC_M_NV5ERMM0JD_SK | Link | Link |
NewEra | UGC_M_43G06350NR_SK | Link | Link |
Paragon | UGC_M_YZKE4MK09W_SK | Link | Link |
ThePit | UGC_M_6YJ0281058_SK | Link | Link |
Savanna | UGC_M_RD10PRZEXG_SK | Link | Link |
StoneclawHighlands | UGC_M_QM57NW7D3P_SK | Link | Link |
Teutonia | UGC_M_RD1EPJ9EXG_SK | Link | Link |
TheGrimExpanse *not updated | UGC_M_DYV7XYEGX2_SK | Link | Link |
Eyrie *Exclusive | UGC_M_NZK7J8Q712_SK | Link | Link |
Skin Packs & Others:
Mod Name: | Mod ID: | Discord Link |
Ordinary Prehistoric Skin Mod | UGC_M_Y250G4KEVZ_SK | Link |
IoA Realism Skins | UGC_M_12G0WJNEWK_SK | Link |
IoA Cursed Skins | UGC_M_W617864EMD_SK | Link |
IoA Vita et Mors | UGC_M_6YJ728Y758_SK | Link |
IoA Ancients Skins | UGC_M_QM5ENVJ7D3_SK | Link |
Isle of Asylum Skins | UGC_M_N2R01R03DQ_SK | Link |
Radical Rocks | UGC_M_YZK74KD09W_SK | Link |
Rainbow Dinos | UGC_M_6YJ023758N_SK | Link |
Simple Skins | UGC_M_N59EDWP0WQ_SK | Link |
CMIPlus | UGC_M_63475MJ78W_SK | Link |
Crazy Items | UGC_M_K5G0ZGQEPN_SK | Link |
Diet Mod *not updated | UGC_M_12G7WQN7WK_SK | Link |
The Jurassic Savannah Skins [TJS] | UGC_M_43GE695ENR_SK | Link |
Arazoa Creator | UGC_M_43G06W60NR_SK | Link |
Psycho Dodo Clan's Holiday Madness | UGC_M_K5G0Z1Y7PN_SK | Link |
Veneer | UGC_M_YZK743K09W_SK | Link |
Death's Crazy Skins | UGC_M_12G0WXP7WK_SK | Link |
Zealandia Natural | UGC_M_6YJ02KY758_SK | Link |
Strawberry Skins | UGC_M_QM57NQJ7D3_SK | Link |
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