User Profile and Leaderboard
Here we will look at your User Profile and Leaderboard. You can access this information by using /Userprofile
and /leaderboard
in your servers Discord.
Command | Description |
/userprofile | Get the profile of yourself or a user. The profile includes the following information: Kills, Deaths, Current Server, Current Dinosaur, Current Group, and more! |
You can only pick either member or alderon_id. Similarly, you can only pick either server_name or global_check. You cannot pick both of them at the same time.
If you don't see the username you want, just start to type their name and it will show up. If you want to see your own user profile, just type /userprofile and hit enter.
To reset a specific users stats for the specified server, you can use /reset-user-stats
in the servers Discord.
Command | Description |
/leaderboard | Show the leaderboard of the Discord server. There are four types of leaderboards: Kills, Deaths, Messages, and Quests Completed. |
In your Discord channel, type /leaderboard show <- Then hit enter and it will show you the leaderboard.
Arguments | Description |
list_type | (Optional) The type of leaderboard you want to show. Pick from the provided options. The default value is Kills. |
server_name | (Optional) The name of the server you want to show the leaderboard of (Auto completes the name. Choose from one of the options). |
limit | (Optional) The number of entries to show in the leaderboard. The default value is 10 and the maximum value is 30. |
You can also reset the servers leaderboard. This also removes all the entries in the leaderboard as well as the user's recorded stats so far.
Type /leaderboard-reset
, click on your server name then hit enter to reset your leader board.
Arguments | Description |
list_type | (Optional) The type of leaderboard you want to reset. Pick from the provided options. The default resets ALL of them. |
server_name | (Optional) The name of the server you want to reset the leaderboard of (Auto completes the name. Choose from one of the options). |
Limit | (Optional) The number of users to show |
Here is a list of the options available if list_type
is selected and a description of what each option does.
Options | Description |
kills | How many kills a player has made in your the server. |
deaths | How many times a player has died in the server. |
quests | How many quests a player has completed. |
playtime | How many hours a player has played in the server |