Path of Titans Teutonia
Mod Map Details
Map Game.ini Name Teutonia
Author: Macy
Official TEUTONIC [EU] Community Map.
Night Vision
Scent System
Custom commands
8x8 km to explore.
Multi biomes like Jungle, deserts, snow, volcano an more!
Caves and hidden places!
Below is a list of all the POI's, Quest, Water and Waystones names for the current map.
Point of Interest
Name | Name | Name |
Blackmoore | BlackmooreRock | ColdPond |
HiddaPonda | TheCrevice | TheBoneyard |
SilentWater | LakePlacid | Teuthar |
GreenField | SarcoLair | StoneLake |
CanyonLake | LakeTeuca | HighHills |
MacyIsland | LonelyRocks | GreenFieldBay |
CliffRockBay | HillHouse | TheIceLands |
LostIsland | BaysideIsland | TheGreatValley |
TinyRock | TheBatcave | FallenRocks |
CaveOfHope | ShadowOfDespair | Teuthir |
ColdLake | EldersShadows | BeastlyCaverns |
BeastLake | FieryCore | TheGreatHills |
CJRock | TeutoaTwins | TheGorge |
CastleBay | NearFarIsland | OceanIsland |
DrunkenBay | BaneofTeutonia | EndorLapis |
TropicalPond | Teuase | TheBlueCurve |
GreenHell | TeuLands | FlyersDestiny |
KingRock | BigJoe | Canyons |
Name | Name | Name |
Hunt Critter | Lake Teuca | Salt in the Water |
Bayside Island | Lonely Rocks | Escape the flames |
Beast Lake | Lost Island | Toxic fumes |
Big Joe | Macy Island | Grassy Field Forager |
Blackmoore | NearFar Island | Rotten Souls |
Blackmoore Rock | Ocean Island | Flowers and Lakeweed |
Canyon Lake | Sarco Lair | Clear Branches |
Canyons | Shadow Of Despair | Hill House Tidy-Up |
Castle Bay | Silent Water | Gather Branches |
CJ Rock | Stone Lake | Fruit Lake |
Cliff Rock Bay | Teuase | Gather Flowers around the Lake |
Cold Lake | TeuLands | Gather Acorns and Amanita Mushrooms |
Cold Pond | Teuthar | Gather Red Ginger Flowers |
Drunken Bay | Teuthir | Gather Salty Rocks |
Elders Shadows | Teutoa Twins | Ocean Flowers |
Endor Lapis | The Batcave | Ocean Mushrooms |
Fallen Rocks | The Blue Curve | Ocean Clams |
Fiery Core | The Boneyard | Light in the darkness II |
Catch Fish | The Crevice | Pond Cleanup |
Flyers Destiny | The Gorge | Around the lake |
Gather Acorns | The Great Hills | Beachboy |
Gather Bones | The Great Valley | Woody River |
Gather Clams | The IceLands | Clean up the pond |
Gather Flowers | Tiny Rock | Salty Desert |
Gather Lychees | Tropical Pond | Fruit and Water |
Gather Mushrooms | Toxic Holidays | Teuthir Explorer |
Gather Pinecone | Lake Sponge | Teutoa Explorer |
Gather Roots | Milk Cap Mushrooms | Cliff Hanger |
Gather Tiger Nuts | Bones of Blackmoore | Gorge picker |
World Explorer I | Black Dead | Hills Explorer |
World Explorer II | Gather Bones from the Boneyard | A beautiful place |
Greenfield | Clear Lakeweed | Icy River (Challenge) |
Greenfield Bay | Salty Water | Icy Graverobber |
Green Hell | Canyon's picker | Branch Gatherer |
Hidda Ponda | Gather Melons | Gather Salty Ice Rocks |
High Hills | Dam Clearing | Glow Picker |
Hill House | Cold Flowers | Deliver Trophy |
King Rock | Light in the darkness I | Find Food |
Lake Placid | Mushroom Forester | Find Water |
Name | Name | Name |
BeastCave | CanyonLakePond | BaneofTeutonia |
BeastCaveTransparent | BeastLakePond | TeuLandPond |
TeuOcean | TeutharLakePond1 | FallenRocksPond |
TropicalLakePond3 | TeutharLakePond2 | SilentWaterPond |
TeutoaLakePond | LakePlacidLake | PinePond |
TeutoaLakePond1 | LakeTeucaPond | LakeTinyPond |
TeutoaLakePond3 | HighHillsPond | CaslePond |
TropicalLakePond2 | ColdLakePond | FallenRocksRiver |
FlyersDestinyPond | GreatValleyPond | TropicalLakePond |
CanyonsPond | BigJoePond | SwampPond |
TeuthirPond | IceLandPond | GreenHellLake |
IceCavePond | StoneLakePond | 75C48868EE3F4C97B98E2177AE71B95F |
TropicalLakePond1 | HiddaPondaPond | DrunkenbayRiver |
TropicalLakePond4 | GreenFieldPond |
Name | Name | Name |
TeutoaStone | IceLandsStone | FallenRocksStone |
HighHillsStone | LostIslandsStone | |
TeutharStone | PineAreaStone |
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