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Custom Commands

Here we will look at how we can enable users or yourself to run commands from within the game. This can be done with Custom Commands.

Custom Command Components

Just like the Custom Events, there are a few main components of a custom command. Let's go over them one by one.

Selectable OptionsDescription
Admin?This option will make the command only available to the server admins. This is useful if you want to create a command that only admins can run. This option is disabled by default. In order to enable it, you need to click on the checkbox beside the phrase Admin?. The Admin role is defined by whether a given user in-game has an administrator role on the in-game server. This is not the same as the Administrator role on the Discord server.
Local?This option will make the command only available to be run from Local chat in-game. This is useful to prevent spamming in Global chat. This option is disabled by default. In order to enable it, you need to click on the checkbox beside the phrase Local?.

Command Name


Command name is the name of the command that you want to create. This is the name that you will use to run the command in-game. The command name should not contain any spaces. It should be a single word and unique per game server with no special characters.


  • Please do not include the Prefix in the command name.
  • The command prefix is set to ! by default.

The command prefix is used for all in-game custom chat commands, not discord commands. The prefix is customisable through the Chat Command Prefix under Command Settings in your PotBot Dashboards main page.

Command Cooldown Type


Command cooldown type is the type of cooldown that you want to apply to the command. There are 3 types of cooldowns that you can choose from.

UserUser-based for ALL commands
CommandUser-based for specific commands
ServerFor the whole server for a single command

Command Cooldown Time

Required field if you choose a Cooldown Type

Command cooldown time is the time for which the command will be on cooldown. The cooldown time is in seconds.

Command Reply


Command reply is the reply that will be sent to the user when the command is run. If you do not want to send any reply, you can leave this field empty. The reply will be sent to the user in the game server through the whisper functionality.



Actions are the actions that will be performed when the command is run in the game. There are many actions that you can choose from. Each action will have different options that you can configure.

For example, suppose you select the Announce action. In that case, you can choose the message as "Hello World!". When the custom event is triggered, this will announce the message in the game server with the message "Hello World!".


The actions are executed in the order they are added. So, if you want to announce a message and then send a message to the user, you need to add the Announce action first and then the Send Message action.


Certain actions have the possibility of letting the arguments/options Pass the game directly to the bot. For example, the Show Profile Summary action has the option to let the message pass-through. This option can be found beside the Actions, if it is possible to pass-through for that action. If you enable this option, you can run the command as /profile Ano in the game server, and the bot will show the profile summary of the dino named/nicknamed Ano

Creating a Custom Command

  1. Go to the custom commands page by clicking on the Custom Command button either on the sidebar or the main discord server page on the Dashboard.
  2. Click on the + button to create a new custom command.
  3. Now, you have many options, as explained above. You can pick and choose the options that you want to configure. Make sure to fill in all the information. Otherwise, the custom command will not be created. Once you have filled in all the information
  4. Click the Save button to save the custom command. You can also click on the Discard button to cancel the creation of the custom command.

Editing a Custom Command

  1. Go to the custom commands page by clicking on the Custom Command button either on the sidebar or the main discord server page on the Dashboard.
  2. Edit the information you want to change and click the Save button to save the changes. You can also click the Discard button to cancel the changes.

Deleting a Custom Command

Deleting a custom command is also tricky. This design choice is to prevent the accidental deletion of custom commands.

  1. To delete a custom command, select the Remove
  2. Click the Save button to save the changes.
  3. There is also an option to Remove All Commands


Using the Remove All Commands will delete all created custom commands.