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PotBot Rcon Setup


This info is only for GameServersHub Game Panel

PC Users

First you need to find your gamGame Server's IP, this will be located at the top right of every screen and looks like this

This is just a example

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You only want the Server IP, not with the game port, So only this DO NOT include the :25065 game port as well or you will get a error!

Then locate your Startup tab on your GSH game panel, for PC users it'll be on the left side at the very bottom.

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Here you can get your RCON Port and RCON Password


Please ensure that your Password, is kept as secure as possible. Support will NOT ask you for your RCON password at any point. Best to make it something you'll not remember!

Mobile/Tablet User

For mobile users You need to first click the 3 lines at the top right

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Then here

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