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Path of Titans Nesting

This guide provides detailed information on managing nesting, including commands for nest management and configuring nesting-related settings on a server.

Nesting Commands

Commands related to nesting, constructing nests, and nest management are listed below. The required permissions and RCON support are also specified.

Chat Command:Example:Permissions:RCON Support:Action:
/ReplenishNest/ReplenishNest+Permission=replenishnestFills your nest with resources and baby slots.
/SetNestHealth [Percent]/SetNestHealth 0.5+Permission=setnesthealthSets your nest's health to the specified percentage. Will adjust resources to match it.
/SetNestSlots [Slots]/SetNestSlots 2+Permission=setnestslotsSets your nest's baby slots to the specified amount.
/GetNestResource [Resource]/GetNestResource Mud+Permission=getnestresourceDisplays your nest's named resource value as a percentage.
/SetNestResource [Resource] [Percent]/SetNestResource Food 0.7+Permission=setnestresourceSets your nest's named resource to the specified percentage. Works with any named resource, food or water.
/GotoNest/GotoNest+Permission=gotonestTeleports you to your nest.

Enabling and Configuring Nesting on the Server

To enable and configure nesting on your server, the server’s Game.ini file must be modified. Below are the available configuration options which can be added under the [/Script/PathOfTitans.IGameSession] header in the Game.ini file:



LinuxServer is the folder name for Windows servers. If you are using a different operating system, the folder name may differ, but the other folder names will remain the same.

Available Configurations for Nesting

Below is a table listing all configuration options available for nesting:

Config NameDescription
bServerNesting=trueIf true, nesting will be enabled on the server.
bNestingDecorations=trueIf true, decorations can be placed around nests.
bServerHatchlingCaveEggs=trueIf true, eggs will be placed in the Hatchling Caves.
bServerSameSpeciesAdoptionRestriction=falseIf true, only the same species can be adopted. Otherwise, only the same diet type can be adopted.
MinNestingGrowth=0.75The minimum growth a player must be in order to place a nest.
MaxNestImmunityBuffGrowth=0.25The maximum growth at which a hatchling will be immune to all damage for a short time after spawning at the parent's nest. Set to 0 to disable hatchling spawn immunity.
MaxNestRespawnGrowth=0.5The maximum growth a hatchling will respawn at their parent's nest. Once past this value, they will respawn randomly on the map like an adult.
MaxNestFreeRespawnGrowth=0.25The maximum growth a hatchling will respawn at their parent's nest without consuming a baby slot. Beyond this point, an egg slot is required for each respawn.
MinNestRespawnCondition=0.5The minimum health a nest must have for a hatchling to respawn at it. If too damaged, the hatchling will respawn randomly on the map.
MinNestHealthForDecorations=0.5The minimum health required to place decorations around the nest.
MinNestBabySlotFoodWater=0.0The minimum food and water a nest needs to generate baby slots. Set to 0 to ignore requirements.
MinNestBabySlotResources=0.5The minimum percentage of resources a nest must have to generate baby slots.
MinNestHealthToEditAbilities=0.75The minimum health required for a nest to allow editing abilities nearby.
MaxAdoptionGrowth=0.5The maximum growth for an adoption candidate. Older candidates will not be adoptable.
MaxEatFromNestGrowth=0.5The maximum growth for a hatchling to eat from a nest.
MaxDependentChildGrowth=0.5The maximum growth for a child to be considered dependent on a parent.
NestInactiveDespawnTimeSolo=120Time in seconds until a nest despawns without the owner online.
NestInactiveDespawnTimeDependents=120Time in seconds until a nest despawns without the owner’s offspring online.
NestDisrepairDespawnTime=7200Time in seconds for a nest with 0 health to be permanently destroyed.
NestLowHealthThreshold=0.2The nest health percentage when a warning will be displayed to the owner.
NestBabySlotGenerationTime=300Time in seconds for a baby slot to generate if conditions are met.
NestInvitationExpiryTime=15Time in seconds for a nest invitation to expire.
NestAcceptedInvitationExpiryTime=300Time in seconds until an accepted invitation is no longer valid for use during character creation.
FamilyBuffRange=5000Distance in centimeters for applying the family buff. Set to 0 to disable.
NestResourceMultiplier=1.0Multiplier for the amount of resources required to build a nest. Set to 0 for no resource requirements.
NestResourcelessConstructionSpeed=5.0Health contribution to a nest when NestResourceMultiplier is set to zero.
NestObstructionRadius=500The radius in centimeters where other nests cannot be placed near an existing one.
bSpawnParentNestOnLogin=falseIf true, the parent's nest will spawn when a young child logs in.
bUseTutorialCustomGrowthMultiplier=falseIf true, uses TutorialCustomGrowthMultiplier for growth rate during the tutorial.
TutorialCustomGrowthMultiplier=1.0Growth multiplier for the tutorial if bUseTutorialCustomGrowthMultiplier is true.
MinimumNestDistanceFromHomeRock=5000Minimum distance a nest must be from a Home Cave.
bServerEditAbilitiesAtNest=trueIf true, players can edit abilities only at their nest or home cave (if home caves are enabled).
MinNestBuffHealthPercent=0.5Minimum health percentage for applying the nest buff to the player.


Setting BOTH bServerEditAbilitiesInHomeCaves=false AND bServerEditAbilitiesAtNest=false allows players to edit abilities anywhere.

Example Game.ini Configuration

Below is an example configuration to enable nesting, set up growth limitations, and manage nest properties:


This configuration enables nesting, allows decorations, sets growth limitations, and specifies nest behavior regarding invulnerability and despawn times.

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